Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Gratude jourals

This week Mrs. Drummond got us all Typo notebooks. They were for writing three things we are grateful for each day. Mine has a Pegasus on the front. One of the first things I was grateful for was Mrs.Drummond for getting us the journals (thank you)

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


In the holidays I went to Fiji. on the first day, I got my full hair braided it took 3 hours! every morning I got a chocolate crepe they were sooooooooooooo good and I went swimming as well. Towards the middle, we stayed indoors to keep away from the sun. I had an amazing time in Fiji yo ushould go there too!


today we made haikus I did three. My titles were about a Lake ,Fiji and school. Here is mine


                                     Sparkling by the sun
                                Gets very cold in the winter
                                      Moving everyday
                                      Hot in the summer
                            Beautiful views with palm trees
                                     Fish swim in the sea
                                  Teaches you life skills
                        Helps you learn important things
                             You find new nice friends