Friday, May 17, 2019

Our Goals

A couple weeks ago we made goals for Writing, Reading and Maths. We thought about what we were struggling on. As we achieved our goals we would take them down and put up new ones up again and repeat that. here are some photos!

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

My assembly

Last week we did our assembly we did a dance called "Anzac Day" it was about Maori battalions. Some people made up the first parts and others made the end parts of the dance. We also did a play. The name of it was "My Granddad walks on Anzac day". I was a watcher it was boring and fun at the same time. My assembly was very fun, thanks for reading!

Save the turtles

Monday, May 13, 2019


Last week we did a pamphlet about Harriet Simeon. We put lots of fact about her here are some

  1. she was the first New Zealand woman pilot
  2. Harriet Simeon was born in London ,England
  3. she lived till 1963 
It was fun making a pamphlet with Eila. Here are some photos!


This week we did a pyramid for R.E with words around it saying Love, Hope and Faith. It was fun writing,drawing and colouring on the pyramid. This is what mine looked like!

Alexander Aitken


This week we were learning about Anzac day (Australia and new Zealand army crops).We also did some art  this is how we did it. 
  1. we picked out a sheet to colour in
  2. then we coloured it in with felts
  3. we cut it out
  4. after that we dyed the paper
Then we were done. Here is a poster. The one in the middle

Friday, May 10, 2019

Science week

This week is Science week and last Friday " Science in a van " came to our school. They showed us cool experiments with dry ice, hot and cold water and more. Also we got to do some things too, like learn about the periodic table and molecules in a fun way! I loved when they came to our school! Here is some photos :)